Tk 629 | |
For the relief of headaches, migraine, backache, period pain, dental pain, neuralgia muscularheumatic pain, cold and flu symptoms and feverishness. |
Tk 519 | |
For daytime relief of the symptoms of colds and chills and influenza. These symptoms include headache, shivers, aches and pains, blocked or runny nose, sore throat pain and a dry, tickly, non productive cough. | |
Tk 269 | |
Provides rapid and effective relief from the major flu symptoms. |
ravel Sickness | |
Tk 289 | |
Tk 299 | |
Bruises | |
Tk 439 | |
First Aid Kits | |
Tk 2199 | |
Tk 449 |
Tk 809 | |
Our breakthrough multivitamin formula for men of all ages who want to maintain their health and wellbeing. |
Tk 929 | |
Helps maintain healthy joints |
Tk 809 | |
Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. |
Tk 809 | |
Our breakthrough multivitamin formula for women of all ages who want to maintain their health and wellbeing. |
Tk 929 | |
For women who want our very best support to keep their skin healthy and hormones balanced. |
Tk 460 | |
Help maintain healthy levels of concentration and healthy development. |
Tk 409 | |
Boots Vitamin C Gummy Bears contain vitamin C to help maintain health. |
Tk 1039 | |
Tk 349 | |
Tk 345 |
Tk 1159 | |
Tk 699 | |
Tk 299 |
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